The property is situated at the end of Becklands Park which is Market Weighton's main business location just off York Road.
The property was built in 2018 and is to be refurbished following the last tenant's occupation.
The unit has the following approximate areas:
Ground Floor 2,485 gia sq ft
Mezzanine 1,183 gia sq ft
Total 3,368 gia sq ft
We understand that all usual services are available and connected to a point. We also understand that 3 Phase is available if required.
Legal Costs
Each party will be responsible for their own legal costs incurred in any transaction. A legal cost deposit may be required on the instruction of solicitors.
Lease Terms
The unit is available on a new lease subject to an estate charge for the maintenance of common parts.
Rents quoted are exclusive of rates and all prices are exclusive of VAT which is payable.
Quoting rent is available on enquiry.
We have not been able to find the current assessment but estimate it to have a Rateable Value in the region of £12,000.
An EPC has been commissioned and is available on request.
Anti Money Laundering
Usual AMl information will be required from tenants.
Further Information
For further information please contact:
Nick Procter njp@procters.net